We take birth in this world which seems to be beautiful but when born then only we cry n sulking in our mother's lap very soon realize that this world is not a happy one!
I wanted to become a good human being, a good friend , a good confidante and wanted to earn many 'good' positions for myself..but I found myself aloof in this world which I call the world of experience! The opposite is happening with me all my virtues are turning vices.
I am scared I don't want to be punished by God and earn the SEVEN DEADLY SINS - (wrath, pride, envy, avarice, gluttony, lust, sloth.)
But this world of experience is a selfish world, everyone has become selfish, greedy and we all are running to earn the seven deadly sins..sad but true we are making a hell on heaven and the paradise earth as some may call it has become the world of sufferings and we all are becoming negative even if we try to remain positive and humane.
I don't blame anyone and its the story of everyone who reads my blog..Think over it.