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Sunday 25 August 2019

I will have a sound sleep tonight as I spoke to you about my fears and doubts. I may have rambled but wanted someone to just listen to me. For the longest time, I have waited for this slumber. 
I don’t need my sleeping pills tonight maybe I would feel the need tomorrow. 
What matters the most is the moment I breathe now. Tomorrow I may be dead.
While reading these words, I want you to keep a hand on your heart to feel the beats for three seconds. Follow the pace and rhythm, close your eyes and let the memories of love, loss, pain, flash in front of your tired eyes. Yes, you have faced these times and the memories are fading now. Going through a trauma you’ve shed tears, felt pain in the heart. 
What made you strong? Time. It moves slowly when you wish it to pass like a wind. You’re a fighter. Yes, you are. 

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